Lisa M. Schab Books helping our children
helping ourselves


The 3 Most Loving Gifts to Give Your Kids on Valentine’s Day

With youth anxiety and depression rates soaring our children need our help. It’s a sweet tradition to give them hearts and cards and trinkets on Valentine’s Day – we all like those gifts!  But let’s also think about giving them something even more important and loving this year. Let’s give…

One Important Trick to Help Your
Resolutions Stick

Let’s start with a positive thought:  It IS possible to change behaviors! However, just because it’s January doesn’t mean we’ve got a better chance to actually make it happen.  We like fresh starts, we like new beginnings, we like to think that a new day, a new month, a new…

10 Holiday Gift Ideas for Anxious Teens

Of course, they want a new phone!  But you’re the adult with the wallet and the wisdom.  So don’t be afraid to throw in some “healthy” gifts along with The Most Wanted.  Teens who battle anxiety, whether on an average level – such as sweaty palms before an oral presentation…