Help for Kids to Overcome Difficult Family Changes and Grow Up Healthy
Internationally Recognized as a Top Counseling Tool for Children in Divorcing Families!
- Helps kids stay stable and steady through divorce
- Teaches coping skills for handling feelings and fears
- Keeps kids out of the middle of grown-up problems
Parents – Help your children feel safe through the ups and downs of family change – and help yourself to better understand their needs!
Professionals – Sensitive stories and worksheets open up pertinent topics for young clients!
Available in four languages, The Divorce Workbook for Children offers 40 caring and critical divorce activity worksheets that ease children from divorcing families into conversation and exploration of their experience with this life change. Important concepts are reiterated:
- You did not cause your parents’ divorce.
- Your parents will not stop loving you.
- You will still be taken care of.
Feelings of sadness, anger, fear, guilt, helplessness, and even happiness are normalized, and children are taught healthy coping skills for accepting and managing those emotions.
Stories, art projects, questions, useful facts, journal exercises, and other activities help children reflect, ask questions, and express themselves so they can eventually accept and adapt to their new circumstances. Topics include: feeling caught in the middle, separating from parents’ conflicts, handling parents moving away, parents beginning to date, parents who need help, and the often-present fantasy of parents getting back together again.
*Children who can openly address their difficult feelings and thoughts about their parents’ divorce with a caring adult will more often come out of their family break-up more easily and with less emotional and behavioral problems down the road.*